Travel to Uzbekistan for a song

At the beginning of new year, plenty of individuals start to wonder about next holidays. Nothing weird in this, cause January may be very hard on us, and we’re longing for any warmer days.

Right now, we got multiple alternatives to choose when we’re wondering of travel, all thanks to small airline carriers.exhaused text (szczegóły w podanym źródle)If you like to go anywhere less typical, you should consider middle of Asia.
Did you ever heard of Tashkent Vacation in that metropolis of Uzbekistan could be very interesting. Since several years, we’re able to travel in there directly from Warsaw, cause new flights are available. If you like to go there for a penny, you should reserve tickets six months earlier – beginning of the year is the best term! Beside, if you are not thinking to stay there longer then two weeks, you may also save some cash on your luggage – checked in isn’t relevant, you should fit each of your things into carry on, which is free of payment.
You’re probably thinking, what attractions will be available for you if you choose Tashkent vacation. First of all, if you like to enjoy some amazing panorama over the city, you should buy a ticket to TV tower, located in the middle of that capital. Also, if you are big fan of history, Amir Timur Museum should be ideal for you – this gallery contains each artifacts connected with this Mongold warlord. If you are traveling with your kids, you need to visit Zoo, one of the biggest complex this kind in middle of Asia. A lot of rare species are gathered in there, you’ll have a nice day – see information about Tashkent vacation.

Autor: Martin @pokipsie Rechsteiner
Tashkent vacation is ideal option for all travelers, who are sick of typical destinations.

Any of them should find anything interesting in that capital, even family with little kids. This tour won’t cost you a lot of cash, cause cheap airline flights are available from Poland.


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