Two basic reasons why people hated their intern experience

These days, it is extremely popular to be an intern. Parents, friends, professors at uni – literally everybody were convincing me that I should do it and that it will be very useful experience. Unluckily, I was naïve enough to am positive them , and made up my mind to do the internship during the summer break.


Autor: Joseph Nicolia
The competition for this position was very rough. They tested my foreign languages as well as analytical skills. Thus, I was totally convinced that this internship will be something meaningful – presumably I can have been too convinced – I should say that I didn’t even ask for any details of the scope of potential duties.

Back then I was simply so excited with the fact that I got the intenrship offer, that I didn’t think to question any info. At that time it was sufficient for me to know the company in which I was about to intern in. Presently I already know that such approach was rather a huge mistake. Unluckily, I believe that that lesson was in fact the only useful experience I learnt from this intern experience.

Previously I thought that during the internship I could learn this kind of knowledge as well as skills that are transferable also to another similar position. Unluckily, while doing that internship I was mainly doing those tasks that nobody else wanted to do. I know that somebody always has to do those stuff , however I would like to learn something new at while doing the intrnship.

Sadly, I didn’t. To be honest I learnt much about NY city and its surroundings as I was helping everybody else conducting the most boring stuff which they did’t wanna do. Ironically, I learnt where to do cheap custom printing nyc or where to find best coffee in the district. But I don’t believe that this is the category of knowledge I was supposted to gain as an intern.

Second, they didn’t pay me anything. I know that I was not a professional so I don’t have any precious experience they might need, but I was anyway doing some activities they would pay for their employees to do. So, I really think that they should reimburse me at least symbolic amount of money. Just to confirm that they appreciated my commitment.


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