22 February 2020
Two suggestions for trips for individuals interested in politics

First suggested destination is Odessa. Flights from warsaw to Odessa were not very popular for a moment because of the political situation in Ukraine. Nonetheless, the situation did change recently.

At this moment, many men and women start to visit Ukraine on their holidays. As a result of that, more and more flights from warsaw to Odessa are easily accessible again. So why is it worth to go there? Those days, the situation in this part of Ukraine is stable thus you do not need to be worried about any dangerous situation there At the same time, the situation is still very interesting for somebody interested in politics. In this city, you can observe people who speak Russian and know not even a word of Ukrainian language, even though they often feel like Ukrainians – read. Consequently, if you decide to go there, you will have an opportunity to talk to guys and understand this mentality. It might be very interesting. Specially in the context of current situation of Ukraine now. What’s more, you will have a chance to get familiar with Ukranian history, thanks to various museum as well as monuments, which will help you to understand what makes the divided modern society looks this way, and what past events made Ukraine in the shape it is nowadays. It is already so tempting. And still need to mention this famous Potemkin Steps – 1 of the most famous stairs in the whole word!