A new method of decoration – murals in the city surfances and as a psychological method of healing.

Homes can say many things about their owners . The location which we have chosen, the furniture which we have bought even the decorations on the walls every single thing uncover something about our style and about position.
It is a good thing to search a new fashionable designs and try to associate them with the designe of our flat.

A great style of coloured our rooms is to create on walls polysemous murals. They can be placed in kitchen guest room, bedroom murals seem to be very nice to. It can even help us or our children go to sleep. There may be many ideas related with bedroom murals it can be stars, the milky way, dog or cats or murals landscapes – To paint that kind of art we


Autor: Marc Dalmulder
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com

could use our imagination, some well-done drafts from catalogues or the Web or only employ a right and gifted artist.

Murals landscapes look otstanding on the walls, especially if they are colourful, but black and white landscapes look good to, they are more formal yhan other and they are appropriate for office spaces. Murals landscapes look well in the various types of buildings like schools or railway stations – see more here.

It is a fantastic idea to decorate with that sort of painting the hospital walls, especially paediatric wards. The kids in hospitals will be extremely happy, when they could have an occasion to look at these pictures or when they will have got an opportunity to help with their creation. We can use kids drafts as an inspiration or let them paint on their own. It is a great form of healing for the little patients, they may play with colours and forget about their hospitality, furthermore they feel that their work is necessary and it will help other children with recovering. That sort of activity is also good for painters who are looking for something to inspire them and want to do some fantastic things for others. And we, even if we aren’t gifted, may help the little ones by giving money or hire an artist to make the mural.

To concluded murals are not only a form of the street art expression, they may be painted in our homes, corporations, hospitals and other various spaces. They look wonderful on small and on giant surfaces and they are a great idea for decorating places.


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